
Friday, February 10, 2012

My trip to the Dover Saddlery

"Mommmmmmmm, Can we go to the Dover Saddlery today???"     
5 minutes later.
 My sister and I are now making lists of what we need. My list included a a grooming kit, new breeches and treats for Star, my beloved pony. Yes. Of course there was more things on the list, I just don't feel like listing them all.
2 hours later, at Dover.
"Ahhhh, it's so warm in here" said Rachel, as we walked in the door. I agreed but didn't say anything. The warmth felt very inviting.
"Ohh. Lauren just look at those fuzzy jackets! They look so comfy!" Next thing I know, Rachel is just drooling all over them. Of course in the bag they go.  I would have gotten one, but I have other plans with my money.
Ok. Not exactly going to my plan ,Mom got to decide where to go first: to try on breeches. I tried on one pair of Equistar pants. They fit pretty well I thought, so I asked Mom to buy them for me. That was basically the only thing she bought for me, except for a five-dollar pair of gloves. I bought everything else with my own money.
After what seemed like one million years, Rachel was finally done trying on breeches.
Yay!! I thought. Now I get to go pick out my brushes. I decided that Star's new color was going to be purple!! I chose purple because it matched my saddle pad;and in my world everything has to match, except my clothes of course.
As I raced down the stairs I thought: "What's the rush? I have plenty of time to shop." So I slowed down a bit.
The second I saw it, the purple box, it went right in my bag. Next I picked out brushes. Of course they were all purple. I had a problem finding a hoof pick. It was either a hoof pick  that was black and red with a brush on one side and a pick on the other, or a purple hoof pick that only had a pick. I went with the purple one.
Then, it's treat time!!! (Star you better appreciate me buying you extra treats!)I picked out a small salt lik-it and a bag of peppermint treats.
Next we go to pick out a saddle pad for Rachel. Rachel being as impatient as she is she said this " Mom, I don't want a saddle pad with my name on it. It takes wayyy to long for the people to sew it on. Oh and I forgot then we have to drive all the way back up here in 5 weeks or so." Rachel ,Rachel Rachel, so impatient I thought.
Well, she ended up getting a bold blue saddle pad (not a very good color on Star. No offence or anything Rachel.)
After that we picked out some zocks (riding socks) and some riding gloves. Rachel picked out blue and purple gloves and I can't quite remember what zocks she got. I got two pairs of black gloves and green zebra zocks!
The bad thing about zocks is that they are bad to have on in the winter because they are so thin. My toes like almost froze off once . Lucy kept telling my to put my heels down but it was pretty darn hard because my toes were numb!
Then we checked out and went home, pretty satisfied .

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