
Monday, February 6, 2012

Horse Slaughter Poem: I might send this to Declan!!

A horse slaughter poem from the Horse's point of view:
We would always ride
You would constantly be by my side
Taking care of me
Grooming, Bathing, and hugging me
We made a great team
With you riding and me moving
We would always win
Even if we get last place to the judges
You will never not  be #1 to me
Or so I thought

At the show:
Ok. This is it I thought
The last jump
1,2,3 oops!
 We had crashed down to the ground
This could not be good
Where did you go?
I can't see you anywhere
Oh well. I'll see you tomorrow I guess
 I was waiting
Waiting for hours and hours, for you
But you never came
Finally, I saw a truck with a big trailer attached to the back.
I simply assumed that I would soon have a new friend
A new stable-mate
But I was far off
I never suspected I would be in that trailer
In the trailer:
In the trailer,I saw other horses
They look sick, horrible, skinny and weak.
Some are even falling to their knees
I just hope I don't end up like that
The ride up there took a really long time
We had to live in each-others poop
We got no food or water
Nothing at all
I still wonder where we are going
I also still miss you
Finally the truck parks and we are all unloaded
Slaughter house:
Next thing I know we were led into a skinny path of cement
Where does it lead to?
Boom! Whoa! Where did that come from?
Now we are moving the line up slowly
I am third in line
My friend Winnie and I are talking about why we are here.
Boom! Again, what is that noise?
Winnie murmured something about "pain" under his breath and went into the ring
What will they do to him?
The human holds him firmly in place

Then my other friend Lily distracts me by asking me what is going on
I tell her that I am trying to figure that out
Boom! Winnie? Winnie? Where did you go?
Next thing I see is Winnie's body sprawled across the ground, blood dripping out of his head
This could not be happening
Winnie was dead
Now they start cutting him up into pieces
When they are done, they lift him up and take his carcass away
Great. It's my turn to be skinned alive now
I try to get away by bucking and rearing, but it simply wouldn't work
After a few more tries I gave up and stayed still
The human aims his gun at my forehead
"Get ready" I told myself silently
Boom! All the pain just soars through my body
Aching pain
So I collapsed onto the dirt, pain all gone
I can't feel a thing
At least I don't have to suffer anymore
I just hope that I don't end up on someone's dinner plate

But now I am mad, at you
Why did you send me through this horrible process
Was it because of my little mistake?
When I tripped over that jump?
Well I don't care about you anymore
I shouldn't
Did you really have to send me here?
I mean I knew you were mad but seriously?
I thought I was a marvelous horse
But clearly I was wrong

Stop the Slaughter, Stop the Abuse, Horses are our friends.



  1. Lauren,
    I love how your passion for horses is in this blog. sometimes people can't stand there passion sometimes. Has that ever happened to you, not wanting to ride or write about horses?

    1. That was so sad!!!! It made me cry!!!

    2. Why would people do that think about if you were the horses that were abused or slaughtered.
