
Saturday, November 5, 2011

My First Fall

Today I had my first fall off a horse. Here is how it happened.
Well when I arrived at TBF I found out I was riding Greylight on a class I hadn’t signed up for . So I told them and they said that maybe I could switch to Chamber. So I got all of Chamber’s tack and brought it to the aisle to set it down. Next I brought Chamber out on cross ties. He was soooooooo dirty, so it took a while to brush him. When I finished tacking up , I brought him out side and mounted.
So when I was warming up I walked around the arena twice, then Lisa told me to start trotting , so I gave Chamber a big kick. Since he was a thoroughbred he took off cantering and I was sooooo not prepared for it. As he was cantering Lisa said ” pull on the reins !” I tried but failed and accidentally let go of the reins with my left hand and slid off to my right. It was so scary !!! I had landed on my back,neck and head . It hurt so much!! I was just about to cry. At least I had a helmet but my head still hurt. I had never ridden a thoroughbred before so I didn’t know that they were so sensitive. At least I do now.
After that did not I ride in my class but I got right back on and Lisa trotted me around so next time I ride I wouldn’t be scared. I really thought that all my friends would be all “that didn’t hurt”or “You are a wimp” . But they were super supportive. I was so glad that I had fallen off once now. I thought that it would be so much worse. But I’m fine now except my head hurts when I shake it. So I’m not going to shake it .
~ Lauren

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